3rd EMES-Polanyi Seminar ESCP
A total of 13 papers were published in 2018 as part of the 3rd EMES-Polanyi Seminar co-organized with the EMPOWER-SE Action in Roskilde in April 2018.
The energy gathered in this Seminar was phenomenal and really hard to capture but these papers do provide an overview of the range of topics and academic perspectives that participants were able to mobilize.
All the papers listed below are ready to download:
- ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-01 | Carnoye
Responsible Public Procurement: A De-Commodification of Public Markets? A Case Study in the City of Nantes, France - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-02 | Eschweiler & Hulgård
Channelling solidarity: inputs from third sector and the co-creation of public goods - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-03 | Esteves
Towards “Qualitative growth”-oriented Collective Action Frameworks: Articulating Commons and Solidarity Economy - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-04 | Fernández, Morán, Calle & del Viso
Cultivating commons in the heart of the city. Madrid community gardens against austerity urbanism - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-05 | Ferrarini
“Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar” (“Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking”): the challenges of self-management in solidarity economy - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-06 | Hulgård & Andersen
Reconfiguring the social and solidarity economy in a Danish/Nordic welfare context - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-07 | Lazányi
Substantivist economy as a starting point for reflection. Learnings from a co-operative inquiry - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-08 | Lucas dos Santos
When the domestic is also political: redistribution by women from the South. A feminist approach - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-09 | Mihaly
Rural social and solidarity economy initiatives from Central and Eastern Europe – In contexts of peripheralisation to what extent may participation be a reality? - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-10 | Olesen
A political economy of labor? A Learning Perspective - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-11 | Opincaru
Elements of the institutionalization process of the forest and pasture commons in Romania as particular forms of social economy - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-12 | Rendtorff
The significance of trust for Organizational Accountability: The Legacy of Karl Polanyi - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-13 | Schwab do Nascimento
Solidarity Economy and commercialization channels in the North and South of Brazil - ECSP-3EMESPolanyi-14 | Aare-Hansen-Hauggaard-Nielsen
Danish agriculture – sustainable management of the commons