Proceedings. Social Enterprise in Social and Health Services
The 2nd WG 2 Research Workshop “Social Enterprise in Social and Health Services” organized in Frankfurt (Feb 27 – March 1, 2019) focused on the potential of SE to contribute to important sectors of (public) welfare provision and the fulfillment of social and health needs. It specifically targeted scholars that have been exploring the dynamics of and innovative paths in the provision and organization of social and health services as well as comparisons across Europe.
The thematic lines included in the original call were:
- Theoretical and epistemological perspectives
- The role of SE in national welfare systems and their impact on service delivery
- SE governance and social service system challenges
- Innovative contributions to social and health services
- Panel and Plenary discussion
- Stakeholder Panel on Institutional challenges for social enterprises in the German welfare system
- Stakeholder Forum
- World Café
- Proceedings. Social Enterprise in Social and Health Services 799 KB - 50 downloads