2nd WG 2 Research Workshop on “Social Enterprise in Social and Health Services”

Feb 27 - Mar 01, 2019

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences - Competence Center for Social Intervention Research


The second activity of Working Group 2 (“Industries”), will revolve around social enterprises in social and health services

Description and goals of the workshop:

The title of the WG 2 Workshop “Social Enterprise in Social and Health Services” reflects the focus on the potential of SE to contribute to important sectors of (public) welfare provision and the fulfilment of social and health needs. The event will be hosted by the Research Center of Social Intervention of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Germany).

It targets specifically scholars that have been exploring the dynamics of and innovative paths in the provision and organization of social and health services as well as comparisons across Europe. It aims at exchanging research results, methodological approaches to field research, theoretical advances, as well as ideas on socio-political consequences in a field of research covered by the EMPOWER-SE COST Action WG 2. Enough time will be devoted not only to present and comment on contributions presented but also to create connections that can lead to future joint research proposals.

Researchers will also be invited to present the research findings of the EU and international projects they are coordinating, including: ICSEMAlpSib (Alpine Space), SOCATEL (H2020) and SIMRA (H2020).

Thematic lines:

  1. Theoretical and epistemological perspectives 
  2. The role of SE in national welfare systems and their impact on service delivery 
  3. SE governance and social service system challenges
  4. Innovative contributions to social and health services

For a detailed description of each thematic line, please see the full call below.

Scientific committee: Danijel BaturinaTaco Brandsen, Linda Lundgaard AndersenNicole Göler von RavensburgCarmen Guzmán AlfonsoAndrzej Klimczuk, Michael Märtens and Simon Teasdale

Disciplinary approach and submission:

We invite proposals for paper presentations focusing on findings of theoretical analyses, empirical quantitative and qualitative field research, and comparative analyses covering various EU countries. We welcome the submission of papers drawing on all fields of social science (sociology, economics, political science, social work, health, law, geography, social anthropology). Interdisciplinary perspectives are particularly welcome.

Interested authors should submit a 250-300 word abstract of their contribution that includes: author(s)’ full information (including country, gender and whether ECI); contribution title; main research objective/question; methodological approach; (expected) results and contribution, and bibliography. All submissions will be made via email to the address empowerse-socialservices@emes.net by 22nd November 2018. A full paper template will be shared with selected authors when they are notified so they can submit their contribution by 4th February 2019.

Financial support:

Accepted candidates will be entitled to be reimbursed. Our EMPOWER-SE COST ACTION can cover participants’ travel, accommodation and meals expenses related to this research workshop (see COST Vademecum).

Important dates:

22 November 2018: Deadline for the submission of abstracts
10 December 2018: Notification of acceptance to authors and publication of preliminary program
04 February 2019: Full paper submission
15 February 2019: Program published
27 February 2019: Launch of the WG2 Workshop