COST co-organized 7th EMES International Research Conference

Jun 24 - Jun 27, 2019

Sheffield Hallam University

United Kingdom

The EMES International Research Network, in partnership with its institutional member Sheffield Hallam University, announces the 7th EMES International Research Conference on June 24-27, 2019. The conference will be co-organized by the EMPOWER-SE Cost Action as well as other partner institutions and supporters.

We are thrilled to launch the short call for papers, which includes relevant information about the conference rationale, themes and organizers.

The title of next year’s Conference is “Sustainable development through social enterprise, co-operative and voluntary action”. It will cover the ten following thematic lines :

  1. Concepts and models of social enterprise, cooperative and voluntary action (SE)
  2. Resourcing social, cooperative and voluntary action
  3. Social Innovation and entrepreneurship
  4. Radical forms of democracy, participation and action in SE
  5. Multi-level governance and eco-systems for SE and sustainable development
  6. Public policy and legal frameworks for SE
  7. The commons and collaborative economy through SE
  8. Social solidarity and transformative movements
  9. Substantive economy and Polanyian approaches to SE research and practice
  10. Epistemological, methodological and pedagogic innovations/advancements in SE

Given the very wide scope of this 7th Conference and the relevance of sustainability for many disciplines, we hope to be able to expand the type of scholars who participate in the conference. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to share the call with your colleagues, students and networks.

Regular updates on the Conference are sent via the EMPOWER-SE and EMES news alerts and the social media (Facebook and Twitter). The hashtags for the event will be #7EMESconf and #EMPOWERSE_EU.

Questions about any aspect of the Conference can be sent to

Key Dates

  • Full call publication: September 2018
  • Submission of abstracts deadline: 25th January 2019 (extended)
  • Notification of acceptance to authors: 28th February 2019
  • Full paper submission (for award): 24th May 2019
  • Conference opening: 24th June 2019

SEi is the headline sponsor of the 7th EMES international conference

Logo of SEi Social enterprise.
