Action number: CA16206
Duration: November 2017 – November 2021
The main aim is to overcome existing knowledge and geographic fragmentation regarding social enterprises (SE) and empowering the next generation of SE scholars while foresting evidence-based policy and interaction with stakeholders.

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Selected conference papers

8th EMES International Research Conference ESCP

Six papers have been published following the 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise co-organized with the EMPOWER-SE Action in Teruel in October 2021. The series includes the Best Papers which received an award during the conference and will increase over time as additional papers become available.

7th EMES International Research Conference ESCP

A total of 18 papers were published in 2019 as part of the 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise co-organized with the EMPOWER-SE Action in Sheffield in June 2019. The texts were selected based on the evaluation of the session chairs and this batch is composed of 18 articles including the Best Papers

3rd EMES-Polanyi Seminar ESCP

A total of 13 papers were published in 2018 as part of the 3rd EMES-Polanyi Seminar co-organized with the EMPOWER-SE Action in Roskilde in April 2018. The energy gathered in this Seminar was phenomenal and really hard to capture but these papers do provide an overview of the range of topics and academic perspectives that participants were able to mobilize.