Action number: CA16206
Duration: November 2017 – November 2021
The main aim is to overcome existing knowledge and geographic fragmentation regarding social enterprises (SE) and empowering the next generation of SE scholars while foresting evidence-based policy and interaction with stakeholders.

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Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM)

Grant Period 4 | 1 May 2030 – 30 October 2021.

The call for short-term study and research visits within EMPOWER-SE within Grant Period 4  will be ongoing, so you are encouraged to apply any time. 

As you already know, Short-term Scientific Visits (STSM) are a unique networking tool developed by COST to support the development of original knowledge related to social enterprise in the case of EMPOWER-SE. This networking tool facilitates COST Action participants who are willing to go to an institution, organisation or research centre in another participating COST Country in order to foster collaboration and conduct empirical research. Such visits enable participants to learn new techniques, gain access to specific data and methodologies unavailable in their own institutions/organisations and enlarge their relational and social capital.

So far, 15 STSMs have been granted to EMPOWER-SE participants and we have asked them to share their stories with us.

If their stories inspired you, feel free to submit your own application! The attached document includes information relative to applicants eligibility, application deadline, procedures and requirements.

Important dates and deadlines:

  • Stays: start after May, 1 (2020) and ends by or before October 15 (2021)
  • Submission of applications: Ongoing application
  • Communication of results: Ongoing

Call : Call for STSM proposals

Contact Info: If you still have questions after reading the call, please write to empowerse-stsm@emes.net

STSM Testimonials

Noémia Bessa Vilela

Danijel Baturina

It was amazing!!!. Prof. Gaiger and Ferrarini really did an incredible job of hosting me. I learned some new creative methods, really had a chance to dig in into local practices with several study visits and made new collaborations and friendships. It was so inspiring personally and professionally with strong eye on the new ideas I can develop.

Ignacio Bretos

Ignacio Bretos (WG2) is a senior researcher from the University of Zaragoza (Spain). From January until March 2019, he visited the Sheffield Business School at Sheffield Hallam University (UK). The STSM grant was critical for him as it offered the possibility to access two large cooperative and mutual social enterprises based in the United Kingdom and, therefore, advance his current comparative analysis. Together with his supervisor, Rory Ridley-Duff (WG 4 Leader), he examined the challenges posed by scaling up and growth to participatory governance within social enterprises as well as the innovative contribution of social enterprises to the development of sustainable societies. Watch his inspiring testimonial video and discover the potential of STSM scholarships.

Natasha Gjorevska

Natasha Gjorevska (WG2) is a PhD student from Corvinus University (Hungary). Since 2015, she has worked on the topic of workplace spirituality and social enterprises. Thanks to this grant, she’ll be able to visit the newly established Global Challenges and Sustainable Development Unit from Glasgow Caledonian University (UK). Under the supervision of Simon Teasdale and GCU director, Mark Anderson, she’ll participate in a high-quality research environment. As she says, she is very grateful to being offered the possibility to learn from international and renewed scholars of the field.

Giorgia Trasciani

Giorgia Trasciani is a PhD candidate studying in the University of Aix-Marseille (France) and University of Naples L’Orientale (Italy). She is currently working on the relationship between public authorities and social enterprises in the case of asylum seekers reception system. From February until March 2019, she’ll be visiting the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health at Glasgow Caledonian University (UK). She is very excited to join the Yunus Center as it is the lead partner and coordinator of a EU H2020 funded project named SIRIUS “Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in European Labour Markets”. According to Gloria, “this visit will definitely contribute to my analysis of the characteristics, role and evolution of SEs on tackling the migration and refugee challenges”.

Marthe Nyssens

Marthe Nyssens (WG1) is professor at the Catholic University of Louvain s currently visiting Yale School of Management with the objectives to write joint publications with the US representative in this COST Action, working particularly on Working Group 1 topic, theoretical foundations of SE models. The basis of this WG being the ICSEM project, Marthe will take advantage of the STSM grant networking tool to deepen the statistical work of the project and discuss the results with an American scientific audience. While talking to her, she confesses that “Yale has one of the most well-known social enterprise program”.

ITC conference grants

ITC Conference Grants are a new networking tool offered by COST to encourage the participation of researchers coming from peripheral or less developed countries from a research standpoint. Conference grants help PhD students and early-career investigators from participating Inclusiveness Target Countries attend international science and technology related conferences that are not specifically organised by a COST Action.

EMPOWER-SE will offer three ITC Conference Grants of a maximum value of €1,000 during its third Grant Period, covering until April 15th, 2020.

  • Who can apply? PhD students or Early Career Investigators (ECI) affiliated with an institution located in an ITC country participating in the Action.
  • How much can I request? The maximum amount per grant is 1,000€ for this Grant Period.
  • When can you apply? Applicants can submit an application request at least 45 days before the conference start date.
  • How can you apply? Applicants need to create a Conference Grant request by logging into e-COST and clicking on the ITC Conference Grants and then the tab “Create Conference Grant Request”.
  • What do applicants need to provide? The application form contains the following sections: Applicant details; Conference Grant details; Bank details; Financial support; Supporting documents. Moreover, 1 day and 15 days after the end of the participation in the conference, the grantee receives a reminder to upload the scientific report. The submission of the report is mandatory or the Grant is cancelled. Late submission, beyond the deadline, can also lead to the cancellation of the Grant. A scientific report template is available here.

Please consult the User Guide available here.

ITC conference grants Testimonials